最大磨刀长度¢60mm前-¢250mm,可根据用户要求制作ZOD12A(¢350nm),床身采用优质铸件,并用本厂特有大型退火炉进行两次退火,充分消除应力,不易变形,能长期保证床身精度,延长机床使用寿命,刀架电机系可调电机,磨头、刀架均可旋转360度,能满足用户各种国刀角度的刃磨需要。本机结构紧凑,操作简便,是经众多用户使用验证的圆形刀具理想的刃磨设备,广泛地用于造纸业,木材加工业,印刷业,塑胶业等,能满足造纸,电讯,卷烟,纸成品加工的切纸机,分切机各种规格的底刀,面刀及平行,碗型,改型,简型刀片刃磨的专用磨床,刃磨刀具刃口的表面粗糙度R a≤1.6μm眠椭圆度≤0.03mm.
Maximum length of knife ¢60 mm - 250 mm ¢before, according to user requirements can be produced ZOD12A (¢350 nm), lathe bed is made of high quality castings, and use our unique large annealing furnace for annealing twice, fully eliminate stress, not changeful form, can ensure the precision of lathe bed for a long time, prolong the service life of machine tool, tool post department adjustable motor, grinding head, head can rotate 360 degrees, can satisfy the users of various countries knife Angle grinding needs.This machine structure is compact, easy to operate, it is verified by many users use the circular knives ideal grinding equipment, widely used in paper industry, wood processing industry, printing industry, plastics industry, etc., can satisfy the papermaking, telecommunications, tobacco, paper products processing of paper cutter, cutting machine specifications at the bottom of the knife, knife and parallel, bowl, retrofit, Jane type blade sharpening special grinding machine, grinding surface roughness of cutting tool edge R a 1.6 microns or less sleep ovality 0.03 mm or less.
公司邮箱:wangyf@gzhrc.com 座机:0851-83618404
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